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Look UP. The Chemtrail Conspiracy.

Look UP. The Chemtrail Conspiracy.


It is well documented how external heavy metals affect the human body. A famous literary example is the hatter in Alice in Wonderland (now coined the ‘Mad Hatter’) whose personality is described as nonsensical and insane. In fact Carroll based this character on asylum patients which his uncle worked at where some were hatters. During the Victorian times mercuric nitrate was discovered to be the substance to improve the fibre quality in felt used to make hats. Over time toxic fumes arising from these metals led to central nervous system disturbances, most noticeably erethism which produces symptoms of irritability, excitability and insomnia. This analogy was used to introduce the fact that sometimes we let the things invisible to us go by in life until we are too late to notice the toll it takes on us. One example of this is the conspiracy theory which discusses the spread of external heavy metals in chemtrails.

Prince described his experience with chemtrails in an interview with Tavis Smiley years ago - it also included other topics which revolved around the New World Order and global manipulation. He explained during his early years he would look at the fairly clear sky and notice a jet flying past and it would leave a trail but then he noticed their frequency increasing and the attitudes of the people surrounding him was becoming more hostile. It seems rare nowadays to see a clear blue sky; these cloud formations or trails seem like normal phenomena because we are so used to their frequency and they seemingly do not pose a threat to us. The lack of this environmental consciousness is not present in the mainstream media and when the issue is brought up with government officials they inform complainants it is just an increase in contrails to correlate with the increase in air traffic over time. However, theories have been circulating for decades that these are not contrails and they are in fact chemtrails with harmful effects on health and ecology.

Firstly a contrail, shortened as condensed trail, emits water vapour from aircrafts which condenses into ice crystals due to the cold temperature in the atmosphere. They usually last a few minutes but can persist and they have a thinner lining dependent on the type of air they are in. On the other hand a chemtrail contains chemical or biological agents including, but not limited to, aluminium, barium, strontium, fungi and viruses. These trails usually last for a number of hours.

Now have you also noticed the increased frequency in global weather changes and disasters over the past decade? There is a theory governments are conducting weather modification known as geoengineering using chemtrails. Governments label the technique as ‘solar radiation management’ (SRM) instead to tackle the issue of climate change. Rather than reducing CO2 emissions via carbon capturing or ocean de-acidification their response is to spread large quantities of aerosol injections containing tiny reflective particles which in turn reduce the sunlight reaching earth (ie. the albedo) and produce a cooling effect, said by Professor David Keith at Harvard University. The advantage is that this is an inexpensive and fast acting method. Although rather than using it as a response to tackle climate change these chemtrails have been exploited as weather modification tools, for example cloud seeding.

Cloud seeding is when chemtrail rockets are filled with silver iodide crystals which are fired into rain clouds. The icy particles freeze water droplets which then continue to grow in size and they fall out of the cloud as snow into rain. [Note: this only works for small or medium clouds and is not applicable for large storm systems]. The purpose of this is to enhance the cloud’s ability to produce precipitation, choose where rainfall lands in a particular region and maximise water availability - such as in areas of drought and demands in a world full of continued population growth. A highlighted example is when the Chinese exploited this method at the Beijing 2008 Olympics for their own gain to hold moisture in the clouds during their opening ceremony. It is also thought to be used to prevent fog at airports, stop hail damage in cities and boost snowfall at ski resorts.

Allegedly, because of the products being emitted, one of the consequences is an increase in disease to control population numbers and/or benefits for certain elite organisations. One example of the effect is that aluminium increases the metallo-estrogen binding activity in mammary epithelia and causes cell proliferation. It can even reduce the immune defences in humans, notably the cerebrospinal fluid protecting the brain (creating an increased association with Alzheimer’s disease) and the intestinal flora surrounding the digestive system. The metals can also poison fresh water sources and soil for vegetation. For what purpose? Supposedly a number of companies including the military industrial complex programmes, governments, BigPharma and airlines can all benefit from monetary deals resulting from profits spiked from the increased demand for medication with the increase in illnesses. Furthermore the modifications in weather such as wind pattern changes, natural disasters, pest control and the amount of rainfall on crops is useful information which can be exploited by companies on the stock exchange. Their commodities are traded on the back of weather predictions, such as the demand for basic living supply needs and insurance payouts.

CO2 emissions currently stand at 406 ppm (parts per million), which is almost 150 ppm units higher than recommended for Earth’s natural balance. So chemtrails or ‘SRM’ is the supposed supplement, rather than a solution, to decarbonising the planet with detrimental effects. It is surprising how this is all happening without much coverage because it is under the control of the federal agency (deemed as national security) who cover up such classified projects even though it is right above our heads.

REFERENCES (more to be added later)



An unexpected neuro-osteo genomic link

An unexpected neuro-osteo genomic link

Nature: 'Semen can prevent Zika Virus Infection'

Nature: 'Semen can prevent Zika Virus Infection'