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China's 2060 Net Zero Pledge

China's 2060 Net Zero Pledge


China is the world’s biggest polluter. That comes to no surprise. Yet what is a surprise is that China’s President, Xi Jinping, recently announced that China would become a net-zero carbon emissions nation by 2060.

Since China is one of the world’s biggest manufacturers, consumers of energy, expanding populations etc. it appears the government has created an extreme expectation for themselves. Nonetheless global environmental councils have been pushing for the world’s biggest polluting countries to set an example for the rest of the world to manage their polluting emissions levels. This is in the hope that smaller nations will follow suit and China can forge stronger relationships with other worldwide nations.

Whilst the President has not formally announced any detailed plans on how China aims to reach this monumental measure, I evaluate the current ‘polluting’ status of China, look at what plans they could undertake and assess how realistic it is for China to achieve this net-zero status.

If you are interested in reading to what extent China may or may not reach this status, please click the link below.

Billboard: Consecutive Years in the Top 10

Billboard: Consecutive Years in the Top 10

Aviation industry pledge net zero emissions

Aviation industry pledge net zero emissions