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Work Ethic Differences in a group?

Work Ethic Differences in a group?


Literally Kourtney wanted a schedule change for the Kardashian-Jenner annual Christmas photo card photo shoot just to be with her kids. Who she sees like every day. Like are you serious?! I’m planning the ENTIRE shoot AND I’ve got my KKW make-up collection business meeting AND my baby shower plans on the same. I literally thought Kourtney could be accommodating since she is the least busiest person on that day. But when Kourtney never gets her own way she throws a fit and threatens to not to come to the shoot. I’m busy she’s not I just can’t. It’s ONE DAY! I mean if you were passionate about a business then you would know what it takes to run a f*****g business. But you don’t. So don’t even act like you know what the rest of us do. Like Kourtney can’t like take the cold heart truth. Everyone outside of our filming contract does SOMETHING:  I’ve got KKW and various brand endorsements, Khloe’s got Revenge Body and her Good American line, Kendall’s a supermodel, Kylie’s got Kylie Cosmetics...even ROB held down a sock line for like a moment.



I DON'T like this lifestyle. I didn’t choose it. It’s not for me. Kim is being absolutely rude and ridiculous to me about the whole thing. Why can’t she see that I want to be a mother to my kids rather than be kept at work in the late hours? She can move her meetings till earlier right? Then she started shouting at me in person and down the phone. Like normally I keep it together...but I... can’ this....anymore. This ISN'T me. Like Khloe and Kim just don’t get that I don’t wanna do this.



OK like the Kardashian thing is to sweep our feelings under the rug. But our brand is family and we need to maintain our family connection. Family means everything. But Kourtney’s been acting like a total b***h. She doesn’t speak all day. She’d rather be on her phone. Then when she meets up and talks all she does criticize is MY furniture? Like what the f**k. I tried to call her cos she is still my sister but unfortunately Kim escalated the situation even more. We’ve gotta sort this out but I’m pregnant so I don’t wanna stress myself out with this s**t.



[Well it looks like my marketing plan worked! We got the highest rated cable TV programme in America on its premier night. 15 Seasons in too!] I already explained on the James Corden show my role is to be a mediator for my girls. I don’t take Kim’s side, I don’t take Kourtney’s side. No matter how people see it. However, Kourtney WAS being rude. Anyways my girls have been fighting like this since they were little so it’s nothing new but at their age now all I can do is leave the arguments between my girls and hopefully it diffuses.


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Looking at it reasonably: Imagine you’re on multiple group projects with the same group of people (be it friends, family or peers) and that one person doing the least amount of work still wants to feel entitlement and credit of the overall project. Or this same person would expect the rest of the group to be accommodating to make sure their needs are met and only they are satisfied even though other individuals have outside priorities. The pressure builds to a level where you would eventually call them out. I’ve done this before because otherwise it makes you appear like a pushover if you continuously allow this to happen and they can still reap the benefits.

As usual Twitter and Instagram users have been feeding their thoughts on the small clips released on social media. Unfortunately in a world where people seek instant gratification and getting retweets and likes to boost their clout with their online presence, people only watch the small clips and since they’re not invested in the show they don’t know the history of the sisters. They only exclaimed that Kim’s behaviour is very much bullying rather than what it is - a wake up call, finally after 11 years. Kourtney’s work ethic isn’t up to scratch unlike her siblings. Kourtney’s lack of discipline has also been shown over the years where she is unable to hold down a long term passion and making it into a business venture be it the Dash stores, her phone app or interior decorating company. All of which on the show has been shown to be down to her various excuses to cover up her lack of work discipline. Her callous monotonous voice and cold attitude perpetuates that she does not care as much about her career as the other sisters do.

Even during her breakdowns Kourtney digs at Kim in a subtle way that she ‘chooses to be a mother to her 3 kids’ over her career. At the end of the day, you've gotta work no matter who you are. However, the viewership and general public by now have lived in a world long enough where a paradigm shift of what being a woman means has changed: just like Kim shows you can be a mother and hold down a career as a successful businesswoman. Kourtney also claims she doesn’t enjoy or prefer this Kardashian lifestyle but has had no issue signing annual contracts up to $20-30M personally to her to be on the show which pays for her lavish lifestyle, which we get insight into on her snapchat and instagram accounts.

Past seasons have shown Kourtney’s (and Khloe's) bullying behaviour towards her sister Kim. So eventually Kim has grown extremely thick skin (probably with the influence of Kanye too) towards her sisters’ constant mockery of her and now stands up to them. It was a little uncalled for to call Kourtney the ‘least interesting to look at’ but in the heat of the moment there are some words we can't control to hold back. But sometimes you have to call out the slacker who wants all the glory with the least possible work. If the other people in the group don’t say anything it’s probably because they’re thinking the same thing as you too otherwise they would have said something to combat the argument.

Overall, if you’re ever dealing with a slacker give them a wake up call. They need to know that in most scenarios you’ve got to put in the work, and CONSISTENTLY, to reap the rewards. You can’t tag along and believe that people are going to put up with it. Otherwise they will get cut out. 

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