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ESG, Investors and The Amazon Rainforest

ESG, Investors and The Amazon Rainforest

READING TIME: 10-12 mins

The Amazon is a vital entity holding a multitude of purposes: tourism, agriculture, medicine…but most importantly it is home to the indigenous populations and wildlife buried deep within the South American lands. Meanwhile investors and many industrial operations have hijacked and exploited the land to the extreme that the land may see no return within the next decade.

Currently, Institutional Investors have the voting power to determine the decisions a Board of Executives can manage, and these including taking precautions on certain company processes. One of the way corporate governance has intervened shareholder voting is by trying to initiate and implement an ESG (environmental, social, governance) framework in which companies try to comply to the corporate governance code (of said country) as close as possible with this framework in mind.

There has been increased scrutiny in the past 2 decades that sustainability and protecting wildlife has not been mandated like it should have, and we are only now realising and suffering the torture of capitalisation, globalisation & supply-demand dynamics. In this piece I present and describe how data can show differences in approaching good governance in the Amazon region, as well as providing a commentary on companies exploiting the land with zero morality, and companies who have changed their policies in order to protect the area (and keep their moral compass in check).

If you are interested in reading to these insights, industry actions and re-actions to ESG investment and The Amazon, please click the link below.

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