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Tories Ban Sale of Petrol Vehicle in the UK from 2030

Tories Ban Sale of Petrol Vehicle in the UK from 2030


In order to fulfil the targets of Europe’s New Green Deal, including the UK’s Green Industrial Revolution plan, the Prime Minister brought forward the date when the UK must ban selling petrol & diesel fuel vehicles. This has results in a mixture of responses of positive reactions to complaints from various entities - all reacting out of the sudden shock announcement.

The environmental targets were originally for a twenty-year plan, but with the recent announcement require to be met in a half the time. It brings up the question: “How will the UK be able to achieve this target, among other targets to meet in order to position itself as a ‘green’ country?” The link below takes you to an article which evaluates the current status of the UK automotive industry and predicts what the future of the automotive industry will look like within the next decade in light of this announcement. It also discusses companies who are already on target to meeting the deadline as they decided to take a head start on this initiative.

If you are interested in reading to the industry’s reaction to this new policy, please click the link below.

ESG, Investors and The Amazon Rainforest

ESG, Investors and The Amazon Rainforest

Billboard: Consecutive Years in the Top 10

Billboard: Consecutive Years in the Top 10